Monday, March 14, 2011


I'm writing this in my parents' living room while in the background, the news is playing, It's hard to look at- footage of the tsunami, interviews with those missing their loved ones. I have to confess that in the last few days I've been guilty of turning off the news, or scrolling the news page down to celebrity gossip. It's a little too much to think about for me, the loss and devastation. Already, I'm wishing for a little more Charlie Sheen. Anyone else missing "Winning..?"

I don't mean to be offensive. I'm not in a place to give much financially. I'm definitely not in a place to drop everything and help. All I have is my prayer, and the desire to do a little better by my family and friends from here on out.


M said...

We're having a bake sale and donating 100% of the proceeds to the church and specifying relief for Japan.

You are crafty. You bake. Get ye forth and do the same!

Love you tons!

balloongal said...

Prayers are the best thing. Praying that people can be helped and praying to know what you can do with the resources you have.