Sunday, February 8, 2009


A few months ago, I hit the wall and became pretty deep-down depressed. It was around the time we would have been having another baby and I hit a wall. I lost my energy. I didn't want to leave the house or do much with keeping up with it. I didn't recognize it at the time, but I was really struggling. It was so bad that I couldn't muster up the drive to return books to the library- on our same block. That bad. I racked up some pretty nasty overdue fines.

Fortunately, my guys are pretty forgiving. Stinky was pretty content to play around me as I moped, and WBH took care of a lot of things- cooking, cleaning. I'm so grateful for my patient guys. This weekend, WBH came home and handed me a slip of paper. The receipt for my fines that he had just paid off. Man, I love this guy.


Aimee said...

I can't imagine what it was like. I am glad that you have a great support system all around you. Take care of yourself.

Michelle said...

I have another thing that might make you happy. I MIGHT just be putting the final touches on my GIFT for you, and can send it this week (that is, if I can get myself to the post office, not quite on my block) which means you'll get it before february is over. and girlfriend, it's AWESOME! :)

I had a very thoughtful neighbor bring me a plate of goodies ("for no reason") on the week when I would have held a miscarried baby, had it made it to term...her tender heart (and good memory) really made an impact on me. I hope to be able to do the same for another someday.

oh man I think you're going to luv this gift. :)

"The Queen in Residence" said...

Hey saw you on my blog and had to come say howdy.

Big shout-out out to all the great men that do those little things to make us woman happy. Glad you found yourself a keeper. We are truly lucky to be married to our princes!!!♥

Tami said...

Thanks for sharing! It helps everyone when they know others have rough times to. Especially someone as wonderful as you! Glad you have two great guys to hang in there with you!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you've had such a hard time lately. Glad you've got such a great hubby to help you.
