Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Favorite Pictures: August

1: fearlessly jumping to Uncle Bubba
2: C is for C-monster
3: summer footwear
4: WBH and Bryan at the zoo. Almost as tall as a polar bear
5: "Today is the big day. I'm finally going to ride a zipline."
6: On stage for the zoo preshow
7: poolside with Grandpa
8: Bopping Mimi's face with the popcorn bowl
I know my blog is a little off today. I'm working on some changes... and it's not something that comes easily to me, so it's currently at "good enough for now, not going to make you want to take out your own eyeballs." Thanks for bearing with me!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 16: menswear

First, I completely love this picture. Just saying. I'm really, really in love with this. Really. Okay, moving on.

My menswear history starts in 6th grade, where I read in a magazine that menswear was the next trend. So I stole all my brother's clip-on ties and wore them all the time to school. It didn't work out well. Menswear still isn't my favorite, so I girlied up the sweatervest and slacks with ballet flats and some ruffles. Loved it!

And this picture. The breeze caught my hair, I found the perfect word... Love it. Okay.

Monday, August 29, 2011

21-Day Challenge: Day 15

I love the look of scarves, especially in hair. So, I was excited to give this a whirl. Bun in back, long bangs ahead of the scarf.

Super awesome on bad hair days and cleaning days.

I used this tutorial that's been popping up all over pinterest lately, but it makes you feel silly for not figuring it out before you read it.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

21 Day Challenge: Back on the Wagon (a small catch-up)

This outfit was for the monochromatic challenge. I'm surprised at how much black I own. Leggings are Target, dress was made for me by my sister.
Today's challenge was to copycat a look we found online. I really loved this outfit over at A Reason to be Fabulous.


And here's my take on it:

The sheath dress was a Goodwill find, cardigan... I think DI? I've just had it forever. Couldn't find a belt that was thin enough, so I took a satin skinny tie and tied a bow. I also need to take pictures before church, as wrestling with a baby for 3 hours can do a number on your look.
Some women like a purse dog. I'd love a purse that big. However, I don't reccomend this accessory. You wouldn't believe the maintenance...

To mimic her bling, I put on this necklace WBH made me for a pageant interview outfit. It's pearls, and Mt. St. Helens emeralds (glass made from the ash of it's eruption).

I fell off the wagon a bit this week- Doctor's appointments, days away from home. I like the way I look when I put in more effort, but it takes just that- extra effort, planning ahead. And somedays... well, some days I was hot and not feeling well, so I just put on a giant t-shirt and stretchy pants and reverted. I'll play catch-up more tomorrow. Tomorrow's challenge is a new hairstyle. I'll be searching Pinterest.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

One Year Old: Rotten



Dear Rotten,

Most days I can't remember what life was like before you. It has faded into a blurry former reality. I can't picture our family without you here. I do remember though, in the months before you were conceived, a time when my health went out the window, forcing me to slow down and let go of a lot of things. I wonder some days if that was you, yelling from the other side "It's my turn! I'm ready!" Now, when you see Daddy and me playing with Stinky, you can't stand to be left out, so you rush over with your full-speed crawl to join in.

At one year old, you are playful and willful, coy and funny. You love nothing more than to tease us, but it makes you so mad when you don't get your way. I wonder where that stubbornness could be from? We'll say it's from your dad. You love being chased, books, tickles, ducks and open doors. You hate to be restrained, left out, or put to bed. You are a chow hound and refused baby food as soon as you realized we had something different. You're not sleeping through the night yet, which is hard sometimes. Maybe soon?

I can see the wheels in your head going non-stop. You discovered the foot stool the other day, and that if you push it places you can reach more things and see out the window better. This is terrifying (both the act, and the intelligence it represents. You sign "milk, food, all done, more, dog," and say "dad, mom, aidan, dog, and duck." Well, you say them clearly enough that we understand. You're a mama's boy, but are finally learning that others can be pretty good, especially your best friend Grandpa Charlie. You really, really adore him.

You are a joy in our family- you've stretched the love we had for eachother, and filled in a part of the family that was missing. Thank you for a beautiful year, for teaching me, for stretching me, and for loving me.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 8: Mix Fancy and Casual

Let me first say that I had declared today a "stay home and scour the house" day before she announced the theme. My plans and the theme don't exactly mesh, but hey, I'm game. Old pageant tiara + hubby's shirt from when I was in the pageants = awesome cleaning outfit.

The shirt says "My Girlfriend won Miss Auburn and all I got was this lousy t-shirt."
I don't wear this in public.

Day 7- Layer Accessories

I like this challenge. I threw together some of the flowers I made for the ill-fated craft fair in a cluster...

added my "Ruby" pearl necklace...

and managed to work in my re-mix item! This is my favorite outfit so far. The sweater didn't last long because it was so hot at church that it put the fear of hell into me, but I'll re-do this as the weather cools.

Day 6: Get Creative

Friends, it was HOT this day, and we went to the zoo. That's all I have to say for myself. The skirt was my 'get creative' attempt. It was a hand me down dress that was too short, so I sewed a t-shirt on the bottom and wore it for a while as a maternity skirt. As a result- I look pregnant while wearing it. Fail.

Day 5- Belt It!

Confesson- all the pictures going up today were taken today. The batteries in my camera died this weekend. I kept up with the challenge, though, so here they are! This one, I made the weirdest face ever. So I cut off my head.

The challenge was to belt it. I have this dark red leather belt that I really like, but am not always sure what to do with. So I paired it with this purple top. I mostly like it. Except for the way it makes me look like Dolly Parton's competition. That I didn't see so much when I put the outfit together. So I'm not sure. What do you think?

Day 1- Remix Something

Yes, this is out of order. I did wear this, however, but the picture I had Stinky take for me was.... stinky. Anyway, I'll remix my white button-up a minimum of 3 times during this challenge- voila!

Friday, August 19, 2011

21 Day Challenge: Day 4

The challenge to color block was easier that to previous days- though I don't know if my black skirt counts. Oh well, it got me dressed, right? This outfit made me feel all nostalgic for performing in an annual 50's/60's revue at the dinner theater- tee-type top with embellishment, roundish skirt, tennies. This outfit took me everywhere yesterday- Farmer's market, trolley rides, boat dock, park with the boys. It was a busy day, and this was comfortable enough. It reminded me of why I love wearing skirts in summer, why I need to do it more!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Salt Water Cure


"The cure for anything is salt water- sweat, tears, or the sea." - Isak Dineson

We'd alread had more than enough of the first two for the day. So I threw the boys on the car, even if to hear the screams echo off any surface other than our home.

Rotten first started noticing animals at the zoo maybe a month or two ago. Recently, he's started showing a preference for ducks. The pond at Pt. Defiance Park has a good-sized flock, and he will just stare at them, then clap excitedly, and (see above) try to catch them from his stroller. His first birthday will be duck-themed.


Stinky, going against his nature, wanted to sit very still "so the ducks will be by me" and it worked! A few minutes later, a female mallard came and sat in the sunny patch to the left of him in the picture. We've been reading Make Way for Ducklings so he decided she was Mrs. Mallard.


Next, we drove to Owen Beach, where Rotten and I disagreed about the edibility of pebbles for most of our time there. Eventually, I got him to clap when I'd make one splash in the water.


Stinky spent most of his time working on a raft consisting of three pieces of driftwood. He managed to balance himself on it, but it sank every time. Our troubles were cured, at least temporarily, because they were hungry and sleepy when we got home, and I got some peace, at least until dinner time.

21 Day Challenge: Day 3

Today's challenged pushed me a little, too as we were supposed to mix patterns. I don't own too many, but I have seen these two pieces on my bedroom floor near eachother and wondered if it would work. I liked it a lot. I wore this to the library with Stinky this morning, and it was way easier than expected. I'll wear this again.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

21 Day Challenge: Day 2

Day number one's picture was garbage, as Stinky isn't such a hot photographer, I'll have to re-create it later. Here's Day #2: Tuck it In (alternately: Already pushing Rae way out of her comfort zone). Also please ignore the hair. It has multiple personalities, and this one was singing "If I were the King of the Forest."

So, since we're tucking, I went loose- loose tee, loose jeans. Belt (custom buckle by WBH) and purple ballet flats. As a concept, I like it, but I feel a little uncomfortable. Not my favorite, and I can't promise how long the shirt stays tucked. Good to try, though, right?

Monday, August 15, 2011

this summer

This is Stinky with his Aunt Mimi at the lake today. Naturally, on the day I forgot to grab the camera, but I like the almost impressionist look I captured on the phone. That and the life jacket strap that's giving Stinky a wedgie.

This summer has been a disappointing one. Having WBH home is always awesome, but so many things have fallen through, that it's been tricky to maintain a good attitude. That's why the blog has been a little neglected- why share the grump? Now there's only three weeks left of the summer, and I find myself sulking at the thought that he's going back to work, yet looking forward to a new season, and the chance to get back to routine. I'm trying to pull myself up by my bootstraps, remember the fun things, and try to make the most of what's left of summer.

As part of my pull-out-your-head-and-fight-the-slump attempt, I'm participating in the 21 Day Challenge at Freckles in April- I dressed to match my attitude, which is to say I looked like garbage unless I was going to church. I'll post my first outfit later today, or tomorrow, as Stinky's not so great with a camera phone, WBH is helping my dad refinish floors, and Rotten would rather eat the phone. You can learn more about it here:

21 Day Challenge

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Favorite Pictures: July


1. a visit to the temple
2. stinky's pioneer day outfit
3. rotten learns to 'zerbert' bellies (what do you call them?)
4. stinky's favorite downtime
5. sunshiney face
6. stinky and WBH with the water bottle rockets