Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Salt Water Cure


"The cure for anything is salt water- sweat, tears, or the sea." - Isak Dineson

We'd alread had more than enough of the first two for the day. So I threw the boys on the car, even if to hear the screams echo off any surface other than our home.

Rotten first started noticing animals at the zoo maybe a month or two ago. Recently, he's started showing a preference for ducks. The pond at Pt. Defiance Park has a good-sized flock, and he will just stare at them, then clap excitedly, and (see above) try to catch them from his stroller. His first birthday will be duck-themed.


Stinky, going against his nature, wanted to sit very still "so the ducks will be by me" and it worked! A few minutes later, a female mallard came and sat in the sunny patch to the left of him in the picture. We've been reading Make Way for Ducklings so he decided she was Mrs. Mallard.


Next, we drove to Owen Beach, where Rotten and I disagreed about the edibility of pebbles for most of our time there. Eventually, I got him to clap when I'd make one splash in the water.


Stinky spent most of his time working on a raft consisting of three pieces of driftwood. He managed to balance himself on it, but it sank every time. Our troubles were cured, at least temporarily, because they were hungry and sleepy when we got home, and I got some peace, at least until dinner time.

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