Friday, April 23, 2010

There's this road that's paved with good intentions, but I can't remember where it's going...

I had planned to get more sleep.
I had planned to cut myself and Stinky some slack.
I had planned a belated earth day activity, lots of stories, and some crafting time.
I had planned all of this before Stinky woke up before I fell asleep.

From 11:30 to 4:30 AM, it was a late-night party for Stinky and me. I tried to get him to fall asleep in my bed, but he was determined to go downstairs. So determined, that after I had dozed off at one point, he woke me by whispering in my ear "I peed on your bed."

Shocked and angry, I sent him back to his bedroom, where he cried for a while, then stopped. Soon, I heard the unmistakeable sound of a quiet kid and grunting attempts to move furniture. Wouldn't you know it? He was trying to move the large playhouse that blocks the second-story window of his bedroom. My child was plotting his escape. We ended the evening on the pull-out couch downstairs, where we watched his favorite shows On Demand for three hours, until we both fell asleep, sometime around 4:30. He woke again at nine.

I plan to get more sleep.
I plan to cut myself and Stinky some slack.
I plan to do a belated earth day activity, lots of stories, and some crafting time.
I plan to do all of this at a later date.
I plan to turn on Oprah and lay down on the couch while my child watches a movie in the playroom.


Elizabeth said...

Wow, and I thought it was irritating when my dogs woke me up at night! Gold star for you. And hooray for Oprah and crafty time. Hope things get better!

balloongal said...

Sigh. I feel for you.