I feel like I've had the wind knocked out of my sails, lately. What a fun way to start a post. The Mystery of the Missing Mojo has yet to be solved, and Rotten's extreme teething has kicked me in the teeth (butt isn't a strong enough word, but my family reads this). I feel, I know, I should be better, I should be more, I should have more patience, be kinder, snap less, but I'm having a hard time with that. I'm working on it. I feel guilty, when I know thing are good, to be struggling, but I know it's okay to have the blues every once in a while.
While I work on it, there are more pictures on their way, and a 30 before 30 fail list/check-in.
Lady, we all definitely have those days, but from what I've seen you're doing great. You love your husband, you love your kids. The rest will come -- when your kids move out! ;) There is nothing like kids to show you how absolutely unperfect you are!!! BTW, though, anyone who says it doesn't get easier as they get bigger is lying (or they don't remember). It DOES get easier, and in a couple of years you'll think life is heaven. (In the meantime, be sure to enjoy the peace of good days and post-bedtime. :)
Did you get my other comment? I think in my own mojo I deleted it. Sheesh ...
Sleep deprivation totally changes a body's personality. Adding guilt to the mix doesn't make it any better, either, but I have been there. It slaps itself on like extra mayonnaise regardless of preference.
Do this: Look at that picture of you and Rotten and think how, even being sleep-deprived, your hair still looks a-mazing. Then cut yourself some slack and do something creative because that will give you more energy. Hug and kiss your family and tell yourself, "I'm not perfect, but I'm doing the best I can under the circumstances. And that is enough."
Wish I could help. You're doing great!
Ok girl....I told you that I read this more than I post. But deserve an earful from me. You are a great mom. You are hard on yourself because you CARE. You love your boys, you agonize over Rotten's teething because its you he wants. Stinky makes you smile and laugh because you teach him and give him the patience and imagination and love to grow into the inquisitive boy he is. Every mom deserves a break. So take one and realize that everyday those boys wake up and want you their, mommy, perfect or not!
I'm so sorry you're still in a funk. I've been there, and it seems like the more I knew I wasn't hitting it right, the more off-track I got. It will get better. Teething sucks. Teething plus pretty much anything else sucks big time. Give yourself permission to be less-than for a little bit, so long as everyone makes it out in one piece.
Totally unrelated, but I love your style. That jacket plus the hat is super cute! And Rotten's cute outfit and booties match!
Don't be so hard on yourself, dude. We're all just human, of course we struggle, we ALL struggle. Don't let the lip gloss and painted on smiles fool you. Everyone struggles. And of course, we could all be better. That's the beauty in the morning. We can get up and decide that today I'm going to work on "X" and make it better than it was yesterday. We're all works in progress, darlin', be gentle with yourself. It's hard, slow, exhausting work becoming a masterpiece.
You are amazing! And these are the toughest years for feeling upbeat and positive. Every day that you survive and care for your family is a another building block for the future of your family. Little by little they build, in such an imperceptable way that you are unaware of the great work you are doing.
And frankly, you will have a lot of days that aren't blue and fuzzy. And as your kids grow and are less physically depenedant on you, the days you remember most will be the good days.
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