Monday, August 31, 2009

Last Hurrah Week: Kicking the Binky Habit.

Someone in our house is binky-free. This morning, Stinky threw them all ceremoniously in the trash can. To celebrate, we made a day of it. Lunch, riding escalators, Build-A-Bear and ice cream. Now, Sir Bananas will help him sleep at night instead of binkies.

Originally, when we asked him what he'd name the monkey, he said something sounding remarkably like "Sir Dead." We changed that quickly.

Also for today- we got a new sofa! Combined with the free TV armoire from Craigslist, we're starting to shape up quite nicely around here. Pictures are being hung, it's looking like home.


Tina said...

I can't believe how much he is growing up! congrats on being binky free!

Desirae Pitt said...

awesome! that pic you have of him on the railing is so dang cute!

Becky said...

I sure love that boy!! The first picture just brings a smile to my face!

M said...

Forget pictures being HUNG, I want to see pictures of the new place!

Also, pictures of Sir Bananas because that's just AWESOME.