- Watch "Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown" with Dad.
- Read Christmas books
- Make a Handprint Christmas Tree
- Rae's birthday
- Attend a Nativity/Music event at Church
- Phineas & Ferb Holiday Special.
- Choir concert at the high school where WBH teaches
- Make Ornaments
- Make Soap Snowmen
- Decorate for Church Party
- Church Party
- Imagination Movers Concert
- Set up our Nativity while reading the Christmas Story - have Stinky unwrap each piece as we go
- Make Treats
- Caroling with the youth at church
- Deliver Treats to Daddy's Work for secretaries and principals.
- To Be Determined - probably something hands-on.
- Preschool Christmas Party
- Take Treats to the Firestation and Library (they share a building around here).
- Drive around and look at lights
- Watch Polar Express
- Stinky's Birthday! - Special Breakfast in the works for him that day.
- Make bird feeders and read The Animal's Christmas Carol. Try not to cry (whoops, that's just for Rae!)
- Christmas Eve Dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house.