Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thin Thursday: Down 1

I'm down one more pound for a total of 4.8 pounds in two weeks. Not too shabby, last weekend's eating out excesses considered. I'm looking forward to saying that I've lost five pounds! My pants are much more comfortable now! I can't wait to hit my five pound mark at the next meeting.

What's working: I really blew it this weekend. We ate out a few times, and I didn't track or make good choices. However, I treated the rest of the week as though I had used all of my flex points (an extra calorie allowance we're alotted to use where we choose), and it kept me on track pretty well. And cooking at home! It makes a big difference to know what I'm putting in my food and controlling portions.

Also, a beautiful side effect of this program is that since I'm not eating when bored, to distract myself from the impulse, I clean. My house looks better, I feel better, and the weight is coming off. Win-win-win.

What's not working: not writing things down enough, missing practices. My first week, I took advantage of every opportunity to be active- three practices, two walks, and a trip to the inflatable playhouse. I need to get back to this.

I really love these meetings- they help so much. I'm looking forward to what this week will bring!


Tami said...

great job!!

Melissa said...

Those bouncy inflatable playhouse places are great. After chasing/bouncing with Carson for an hour, I feel like I've gotten a workout!
Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

What awesome weight loss! It has to feel great! I'm so glad to meet another blogger on this weight loss journey - thanks for your sweet comment over at The Barefoot Mama. :o) And, are you the Dorothy in the picture on your sidebar? Love it!! Wizard of Oz is one of my eldest daughter's favorite movies. :o)

Have a lovely weekend, mama!

Kevin said...

Way to go, girl! I feel inspired!

Aimee said...

Thanks for keeping us motivated!!!!!!